The Music Of JC Harris

positively the most intelligent progressive rock on this here planet

positively the most intelligent progressive rock on this here planet


A compendium of musings on music and this business we call show

Progress Is Declared

First details on an upcoming new album called Progress. Genesis 1:28. Star Trek. The Organians. Klingons. Nietzche. Chinese island builders. Brave New World. The irony of a static music culture in an ever-changing world.

Roger CortonSo it’s time to start talking about the next record? I seem to recall you first hinting at this way back last July.

JCHYes. It’s a concept I’ve been thinking about for a looooong time. The working title is “Progress”.

RCAnd is that title ironic? I also seem to recall you going on about how much you hate how sarcastic and ironic the world has become. First the price hike and now this. The hypocrisy of it all.

JCHPerhaps you’re right. I’m less argumentative than I used to be.


JCHMe. Perhaps it’s age catching up with me. But the idea of the record is definitely to question the idea of progress.

RCExplain, please.

JCHIt dawned on me one day that my […]

$16.95 Doesn’t Seem Like Such An Odd Amount To Charge For A CD Anymore

Prices on CDs raised to $16.95! But hell hasn’t frozen over. Yet. But wait: there’s a totally cheesy sale on remaining CDs. But only if you act now! FAQ hypocrisy. Artistic worth.

Roger CortonJC Harris seems to have raised the price of his CDs to the industry standard $16.95. And yet–I’ll have to check the weather on my phone–but hell does not appear to be freezing over at the moment.

JCHI assume you’re referring to this:

$9.95 Seems Like An Odd Amount To Charge?

RCYes. So, the first question is: are you now eating your words? Could it be that your pricing model was, as (cough) some of us have suggested over the years, too damned cheap? Are you, like The Fonz, now ready to say, “I was wrrrrrrrrrrrrron….”

JCHEnough already. I feel bad […]

Keith Emerson

Keith Emerson at the mighty moog.Keith never made the turn into the great second career he deserved as a serious composer. On the other hand, he almost single handedly invented the position of keyboard player and that is more than enough for him to be remembered as one of the greatest musicians of our age.

Worst Classical Music Cover Of All Time

OK, I know it’s adolescent of me, but I can’t help it. I just loooooooove this thing. You gotta love it when Barbarella meets The Planets.

Although, I gotta say. This may be a close second…


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Look, There's Just No Reason To Be Shy!


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