Please click here if you’re interested. I want to schedule about a dozen shows starting in June 2013. (If you’re unfamiliar with the program—and since it’s been almost five years since I’ve done serious touring that wouldn’t surprise me, let me summarise. Traditionally, I poll interested parties before scheduling a tour and use the responses to plan an itinerary. This is more important now than ever since this is a test of my current energy.)
A compendium of musings on music and this business we call show
iPhone And Detroit Ringtones
We’ve posted a couple of ringtones for Songs From Detroit which you can get on the Downloads page. Both are attention getters.
New Song—A bit of Irish rock guitar.
March To War—A brass fanfare sure to get your attention.
And I just wanted to remind everyone that iPhone versions of all the ringtones are available there as well (no more hassle going through iTunes.)
New Song (Video)
Official video from JCHMusic for the new album Songs From Detroit The Opera by JC Harris.
This is from Act II. The son has returned from WW II and is obviously depressed. Father meets him at a local bar and encourages him to snap out of his depression. Thinking to commiserate, he recounts his own suffering upon first coming to America. He then reveals that he has a ready-made business opportunity to share with him. Instead of being excited, the son explodes with anger. Father is clueless and turns away in horror. He now realizes just how truly damaged his son really is.
In addition to being my favourite radio show, Radiolab is a masterpiece of sound design. The only thing that’s a drag is that it relies on lots of audio tricks that long ago disappeared from most music.
A bit of history., The Golden Age Of Radio of course had the most amazingly creative people. But they were somewhat held back by the limited bandwidth of AM radio and ‘mono’ recordings.
I credit two people in the late 1950’s for making Radiolab possible.
Ken Nordine was a voice you’ve undoubtedly heard hundreds of times. Even after his passing, his voice is so iconic you’ll come across it quite often. He was the voice of hundreds of commercials from Levi’s to.
Pianist Glenn Gould was the first well-known artist to experiment with what we would now call ‘stereo sound design’. He started hearing ‘music’ in the conversations and sounds all around him—the natural ambience of background chat. He began to think that music could be composed from such soundscapes. His recordings The Idea Of North are the wellspring for everyone from Brian Eno on forward.
(Interesting side note: Both Gould and Miles Davis were recording at the same studios for CBS in the early 1960’s. Davis was well-known as the first major jazz musician to incorporate edited ‘tracks’ into his recordings. It would be fascinating to learn how much Davis was influenced by Gould’s techniques.)
Radiolab is hosted by Macarthur Award Winner and producer Jad Ablumrod and NPR science mainstay Robert Krulwich. Each week they follow a ‘theme’ idea of some ‘sciency’ topic. The conceit is that they appear to be chatting and telling each some interesting tidbit to explain an idea. They cross fade into interviews with various experts.
What makes the show ‘special’ is that they use many more simultaneous tracks than is normal for radio. Instead of conversation or sound clips with perhaps a single bed of music or FX, a Radiolab moment may have a dozen bits of sounds playing at the same time; moving left and right, front and back, the same way a movie director moves the camera and changes shots during a scene. Sometimes they zoom in and then sometimes they’ll zoom out.
And because of this, Radiolab just wouldn’t work in mono. And it wouldn’t work with a more conventional format. In other words, it is idiomatic, not a gimmick, to paraphrase McLuhan, the medium is the message. Since there is no video, they perform an admirable jujitsu: you focus on far more complex layers of sound because you’re not distracted by visuals.
In short, these two have figured out a way to use radio to its full extent, to deliver ‘content’ that is completely fresh and compelling.
I salute Radiolab especially because they found a way to take radio to a genuinely new place (building on their forebears of course) in a time when all things seem to have gone ‘video’ and ‘shortform’. In a world where everyone is now expected to have a short attention span, Radiolab keeps listeners of all ages engaged for a full hour; not with tricks or shock, but with really entertaining descriptions of questions we all think about.
In writing music, I have always been fascinated by the ‘conversations’ that occur between the various instruments and parts in a good piece of music. Glenn Gould and Ken Nordine were the first to explore the literally relationships between ‘music’ and ‘conversation’ (the musical quality of conversation or the conversational quality of music?)
Radiolab, with innovative sound design which is an integral part of its structure takes this idea to the next level. And in so doing, makes a basically ‘info-tainment’ show not only more informative but more entertaining. It’s a real synergy where the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts.
Detroit Moves
Just a quick note if you haven’t been to “the brown site” for a while. Obviously, I’ve moved things over here. The old site was good, but frankly, it got too frickin’ difficult to keep up with all the spam. (I wish ‘consolidating’ the actually city was as easy.)
I have yet to find a way to have organised discussions that don’t get outta control and it frustrates me no end because I actually believe in dialogue. But as I’ve said before, I fear that’s gone with Web 1.0. If you take a look at Facebook or Twitter it’s all ‘140 characters’ and more ‘look at this video I just saw.’
Anyhow. I’m gonna post the best threads as soon as I have a minute. Some good history and ideas there which really helped me during the writing. Big Cheers!
The next news I expect to have is getting the score prepared for school orchestra. The idea has always been to be doable by less than pro level players. Given the current dreadful […]