Can you say Septoplasty?
Sure. I knew you could. I can’t right now.
But I’m thinking about little else right now having had the surgery a couple o’ days ago. How does it feel? Like I got punched in the nose, then left with straws stuck up me nose.
I’ve had nothing but problems with my snooter since I can remember. Chronic sinus infections; pneumonia; constant runny nose; even a drop in my vocal range of about 2-3 semi-tones. All these because I broke my nose a bunch o’ times in my misspent youth.
I shoulda had this done 30 years ago but frankly, when they described the ‘old’ procedure and outlined it’s 3-4 week recovery time, I just said, ‘Thanks but… er… uh… no thanks, Saddam!’ The current procedure should have me out of these straws in about a week–which is just about all I think I’ll be able to take.
The upsides?
No more chronic infections!
No more drip, drip, drip from November through May!
I may actually be able to breathe!
My singing may improve (OK, that may be reaching) 😀
The healing may be a bit longer than normal, simply because there was a lot more work to be done after all the previous infections and nose breaks. But it’s a small price to pay.
I’m commenting on this not just to explain why I haven’t been doing the usually rants, but to encourage y’all to do something like this… well…er… not this per se, but what I mean is:
This is something that has been pretty darned annoying for three decades. It’s cost me weeks off of work and thousands of dollars. But it was never so urgent that I took care of it. Overall, that was a terrible decision. I definitely shoulda had this done a loooong time ago. I woulda saved time, money and been a lot happier overall if I’d just made the time.
I’ll be back to more musical topics as soon I get the straws out. Until then, I’ll just keep a drainin’.