More deep musicology. Beethoven loved his chicken, but hated the price. Brahms and his prostitutes. Tchaikovsky is fetching in ballet tights. Maybe next time, we’ll get to why any of this matters to prog-lovers everywhere.
Roger CortonSo in our last, fun filled episode we, well, you went on about all this musicological stuff. Which begs the question, why should we care about any of that?
JCHWell, you shouldn’t. It’s really up to me.
JCHLook, everyone who talks about anything, has to have the arrogance that what they are speaking about is of interest to their audience. And I get sick of the false humility of saying otherwise. People are so concerned about coming across as pompous that they never say anything.
RCMy aren’t we defensive today.
JCHWell, what I do, a bit of musicology is probably in order. If I was doing punk, maybe not so much.
RCAlthough there is that great new book boys “Clothes, Clothes, Clothes, […]