Why was the Niagara show canceled? Are you OK? George S. Patton and losing. Now what?
Roger CortonThe fans have questions so let’s just jump in. First off. How are you?
JCHPhysically, I’m fine. Which is annoying.
RCBecause you ought to be dying to have punked out, motherfucker!
JCHThat is how I feel in my heart.
RCI should point out that I was quoting from a note left by a disappointed fan who was at the non-show. I think he was being sarcastic, but even so, it struck me as insensitive.
JCHHe was just pissed off in the moment. I probably would’ve felt the same–under my breath, anyhoo. But regardless, the short version is that I had a severe headache on the flight into NYC as we were descending. And by ‘severe’ I mean I passed out on the plane. I woke up in the hospital Saturday morning. They did some tests and it turns out that the nerve which […]