Rants By Topic
Thanks For The Tour 2013!
This was a great summer for me. It renewed my faith in humanity. It renewed my faith in myself. It renewed my faith in you. It renewed my bank account. 😀
Six gigs may seem like nothing (especially after all this time) but like I’ve been saying, I didn’t know if I had the vim or vigor to even get on a plane anymore, let alone play shows. But in the end here’s where we’re at:
The new format seemed to go over well. And more than that, as we went along, the shows not only got better; I also enjoyed them more and more. This was easily measured by how wrecked I felt after each show. The first show? I didn’t get out of bed for two days. By San Francisco? I was kinda disappointed that was the last show. Good sign!
The dough is giving me the wherewithal to continue working on the next record: The Solid State Siren. And the energy has me planning the next tour in the […]
The end of the touring season. Got to see the big boats getting ready for America’s Cup (or should I say ‘Louis Vuitton Cup’) I want to thank everyone who hosted the shows. It was a gamble for all of us and I think (hope) it was a winner. I can tell you that it gave me enough confidence that I’ll be working on a new (bigger) presentation for the winter. […]